Ministry Degree Programs

Earning a ministry degree at Mid-America Christian University (MACU) in Oklahoma City will prepare you with the knowledge, skills and confidence you’ll need to achieve your vocational goals in ministry or in any organization. MACU and its School of Ministry is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA). Here are just a few reasons why ministry degrees from MACU are rewarding and worthwhile investments:

  • Versatility: When you earn a Christian ministries degree, your knowledge and skills can transfer to a wide range of opportunities. You may choose to serve in a church and other religious institutions, or use your faith-based education in a secular leadership role that will allow you to make an impact on people’s lives.
  • In-demand Skills: People often turn to faith for comfort in uncertain times, and clergy-related jobs are expected to grow 3% in the U.S. between 2020 and 2030.
  • Pathway to Answering God’s Call to Serve: Everyone has a unique calling from God, but as we know from Matthew 22:14, “…many are called, but few are chosen.” A ministry degree will put you on the path to fulfilling your God-given potential. By focusing on personal strengths and integrating biblical foundations with professional academic studies, ministry majors will be prepared to help others grow their faith within a church or through other organizations.

MACU’s On-campus & Online Ministry Degree Options

MACU’s ministry programs, are designed and taught by dedicated professors who incorporate real-life ministerial experiences into their courses and teach with a working knowledge and passion for ministry.

Undergraduate Ministry Degrees

At MACU, we offer two options at the undergraduate level, a Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries, an online ministry degree, and a Bachelor of Science in Ministry Leadership, offered on campus. Both will help you change the world by sharing the love of God and prepare you for your vocation and calling in many settings. The skills you will learn are sure to transform you and enable you to help others make transformations in their own lives to the glory of God.

Graduate Ministry Degrees

Advance your career and ministry service capabilities with an online master’s degree from MACU. Our convenient, affordable and flexible Master of Ministry or Master of Arts in Leadership with a Ministry Leadership Emphasis will help you develop biblical and theoretical perspectives on Christian leadership that will prepare you to successfully guide others to grow their faith.

Certificate Programs in Ministry

MACU offers several certifications to further the development of professional skills. Certification programs such as Christian Leadership, Women in Ministry Leadership, and Care and Support Ministry are an affordable way to prepare students for more advanced degrees or greater workplace responsibilities. These graduate-level certifications can also be used to satisfy prerequisites for a full graduate degree. Learn more about our resources and education centers for pastors and church leaders.

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