Master of Arts in Leadership, Ministry Leadership Emphasis

Ministry Leadership Career Opportunities

  • Pastor
  • Associate Pastor
  • Nonprofit Director
  • Youth Minister
  • Missions Director
  • Chaplain
  • Church Administrator
  • Evangelist
  • Missionary
  • Teacher
  • AIDS/HIV Case Manager
  • Fund Development Director
  • Counselor

Answer God’s Call by Earning a Ministry Leadership Degree

Is God calling you to serve in a ministerial leadership role? At Mid-America Christian University (MACU), you can earn a Master of Arts in Leadership with an emphasis in Ministry Leadership. When you choose to pursue your degree at MACU, you’ll develop biblical and theoretical perspectives on Christian leadership that will prepare you to successfully help others grow their faith within a church or through other organizations. 

A career in ministry isn’t limited to the pulpit. MACU’s online MA in Leadership can lead to a wide variety of careers that involve educating people about faith and helping them improve their lives and outlook, such as counseling, advocacy, public speaking, conflict resolution, and more. People often turn to faith for comfort in uncertain times, and clergy-related jobs are expected to grow 3% in the U.S. between 2020 and 2030.

MACU, a Bible-based university, is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA).

Choose a Leadership Degree With a Focus on Ministry

Whether your goal is to add a new dimension to your ministry or you’re being called to be a transformational leader in the church and the world, MACU’s online Christian degree program offers Bible-based instruction that will guide you in all aspects of your ministry. You’ll be prepared with the knowledge and skills necessary to use your God-given talents to effectively lead and serve others. 

Every minister is a leader who has the opportunity to help God transform lives. Our Master of Arts in Leadership with a Ministry Leadership emphasis is ideal for anyone who ministers, whether vocationally or as a layperson. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of theoretical leadership foundations and applicable knowledge, allowing you to minister to others with insight and sound wisdom. No matter your background or experience in leadership, you’ll graduate from the program as a more effective leader and impactful disciple of Christ. 

This emphasis includes general leadership courses that focus on organizational culture, leading change and leadership theory, and more, giving you a solid foundation of leadership principles on which to build your ministry practice. You’ll also take courses that explore teaching the Bible, spiritual formation, and Wesleyan-Arminian theology, enriching your own spiritual life and guiding you to help others do the same. The combination of coursework will enable you to lead with bible-based ethics and minister with thoughtful leadership. 

Program Information

MA With Ministry Leadership Emphasis Online: An Accelerated, Affordable Path to Ministry

At MACU, where we’ve offered online learning since 2008, so we understand that earning a graduate degree as a busy adult requires a program with flexibility. Our six-week classes are designed around the demanding schedules of hardworking adults who are dedicated to advancing their careers and ministries. We also offer ways to reduce the cost and the time it takes to complete your degree. Although this program is offered completely online, select courses may be offered on campus depending on student interest and faculty availability. 

Our professors have extensive experience in leadership and ministry. They’re excited to teach online courses and are committed to walking alongside you as you become a better communicator and spiritual leader. Here are some of the benefits for our online students:

  • Small class sizes–all the attention and support you’ll need to succeed
  • One course at a time in consecutive order
  • Complete access to student services
  • Consistent career networking opportunities
  • Emphasis on soft skills training

As you prepare to begin your degree at MACU, our enrollment counselors are ready to assist you. Please take a look at this downloadable degree sheet, featuring an overview of MACU’s Leadership degree program. Don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing [email protected] or calling 888-888-2341 if you have any questions.

Developing the Next Generation of Christian Leaders

As a faith-based university, we are passionate about shaping students into extraordinary Christian leaders. As you pursue your leadership degree, you’ll appreciate the unwavering support of the entire MACU community. You’ll be prepared with the skills and knowledge to be a confident and compassionate leader wherever God calls you to do His work. 

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  • BIOT5133

    Selective Genres of Old and New Testaments

    Students continue to enhance their inductive methodology application to scripture through select portions of poetic and historical literature from the Old Testament and from the New Testament Gospels and Pauline letters.

  • MGMT5113

    Organizational Behavior

    This course introduces the theories of behavior in human management. A critical analysis is performed on the contributions to the organizational behavior discipline and its research as applied to the business environment. The student will apply the theories of its research as applied to the business environment. The student will apply the theories of culture development, time management, job design, change, motivation, leadership development, communication, small group dynamics, and negotiation in the business setting.

  • MGMT5353

    Communication in Professional Organizations

    This course is designed to groom the aspiring business professional leader to deliver professional, concise, powerful, and audience appropriate communication by utilizing the most acceptable tools, modes and media available. This will also sensitize the professional to appropriate communication etiquette and protocols to help ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the intended message.

  • ML5143

    Leadership Theory and Practice

    This course explores the history and development of leadership theory as well as the role of leadership in the students’ current organizational settings. Although leadership and management are not the same, they are often confused. The unique features of each are studied along with practical application of case studies of current leaders as well as from history. Managers develop subordinates, leaders develop followers, and the most highly successful leaders develop leaders. Students will evaluate their own leadership style using the Leadership Practices Inventory developed by Kouzes and Posner. Students will gain hands-on experience by analyzing their performance in a current or new leadership role.

  • ML5163

    Training and Development

    This course addresses the core aspects of instructional systems design as applied to workforce learning and performance. Learners apply key principles involved in assessing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating employee development and performance improvement programs. Learners gain hands-on experience by creating an active training event.

  • ML5243

    Leading Change

    Leaders often attempt changes that they believe are critical to the survival of the organization only to find those changes are resisted by the very people the leader is attempting to help. People’s response to change depends on the degreeto which they understand the need for change, are involved in teh change process, and understand the implications the change has for their roles. This class explores the processes necessary to identify the need for change using appropriate models, plan the process of change, obtain authorization for the change and motivate the appropriate stakeholders to ensure success.

  • ML6023

    Integrative Leadership Project

    This course serves as a capstone for the MA Leadership program. Students will complete an application project related to their emphasis and field of interest.

  • PMIN5203

    Self-Assessment and Development

    This course explores the first step in becoming an effective minister: self-understanding. Students analyze their preferred ways of interacting with others along the four continuums described by Myers and Briggs, clarify their relational voice, identify their spiritual gifts, and articulate their desired master role in ministry. The assets of personal characteristics, experiences, passions, relationships and expertise inform the self-assessment and development process.

  • PMIN5903

    How to Teach The Bible

    A Bible study skill course whish examines and applies appropriate methods and materials for teaching the Bible. A book will be chosen and exegetical and eisegetical techniques will be used for laying out a teaching and leading small group Bible studies, prayer meetings, and special training sessions.

  • THEO5213

    Wesleyan-Arminian Theology

    The first half of this course will address the background and development of Arminian theology. It will demonstrate that classical Arminian theology has a rightful place in the Evangelical church in its relation to Reformed theology, and sustains important differences from Calvanism. The second half of this course will address the theology of John Wesley, focusing on God as “holy love” as a central theme and giving particular attention to the doctrine of Christian Perfection.

  • THEO5233

    Spiritual Formation From a Wesleyan Perspective

    This course will challenge students to explore and apply theological principles of Wesley’s Means of Grace as building blocks that empower and energize one to live and lead with spiritually-formed Christ-like character.