SEAL’S SHAPE: The circle has long stood as a symbol of something that is without end. Our God is eternal and His holiness knows no end. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. The dynamic life He offers us, through faith in Jesus Christ, is eternal life, as well.
RED COLOR: Red reminds us of the crimson blood of Jesus Christ, shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Red has often symbolized sacrifice. The seal’s color calls us to be Christ-like in our passion and commitment to doing God’s will. Jesus is our example: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
GOLD COLOR: Gold is a metal, which comes from a refining and purifying process. Scripture reminds us that God shapes us, molds us, and refines our life into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ our Savior. This color describes holiness, a life which has been purged of self-centeredness to become Christ-centered and Spirit-controlled.
CROSS: The cross symbolizes the redemptive love of God in giving his Son as the sacrifice for our sins. The cross is centered within the seal, reminding us that to have acquired knowledge without ever knowing and believing in Jesus Christ is the greatest of tragedies. Likewise, the cross reminds us that campus life occurs within a Christian environment.
GLOBE: The globe remind us of our Lord‘s Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20. MACU students prepare to impact their world for Christ. God calls us to be “world-changers.”
OPEN BOOK/BIBLE: The Open Book has long been associated with the Bible by students and faculty alike. Through His Word, God opens our eyes to the world around us and to the needs of those we are called to serve.
BOOK BENEATH THE BIBLE: The second book (beneath the open Bible) speaks to our dual commitments as a University; it reinforces the importance of the pursuit of academic excellence, in addition to the study of God’s Word.
BRANCHES: In ancient days, the laurel branch symbolized meritorious service and achievement. A crown of laurel often adorned the head of a champion or victor. Receiving a college degree is a true accomplishment. But these branches also resemble heads of ripened grain. Our Lord reminds us that He has blessed us to be a blessing. Jesus gave us our mission to tell the world about Him when He said, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest” (John 4:35).
BANNER WITH THE WORDS “Scientia, Devotio, Officium”: These three Latin words represent the distinctive MACU educational approach of “Head, Heart, and Hand,” in which students are prepared with the knowledge of their disciplines, their devotion to God, and to be of service to others.