Master of Ministry

Designed for pastors, lay leaders, and those dedicated to serving others through Christian ministry, the Master of Ministry degree develops a theological foundation in biblical Exegesis, spiritual formation, and church history while delving into contemporary leadership, strategic planning, and evangelism techniques that can immediately be applied.

Required practicums allow students to apply their newfound knowledge within a church setting. This is a professional degree prepares students to effectively mentor, preach, evangelize, disciple, teach, and serve as administrators within the local church, para-church, or other church-related ministry as they train and encourage others in Christian service.

To customize your degree to suit your calling, options are available for an additional emphasis.

  • Leadership Emphasis
  • Pastoral and Crisis Care Emphasis
  • Pastoral Studies

Core Course Requirements

THEO 5233

BINT 5023

Spiritual Formation from a Wesleyan Perspective

This course would challenge students to explore and apply theological principles of Wesley’s Means of Grace as building blocks that empower and energize one to live and lead with spiritually-formed, Christ-like character.

Introduction to Inductive Methodology

This course introduces students to the Inductive methodology of Bible study. Students will discover and apply interpretation to scripture by exploring five major questions: who, what, when, where, and how.

BINT 5703

Guided Study*

Students who are familiar with the Inductive methodology of Bible study will focus on word studies, genre analysis, and parts of speech to improve inductive skills.

BIOT 5133

Selective Genres of Old and New Testaments

PMIN 5333

Church History and Christian Movements

The course will explore the rise of the Church under persecution, orthodoxy vs. heresy, doctrinal developments, the rise of the Roman Papacy and opposition to it during the Middle Ages, the Protestant Reformation, the development of modern denominationalism, modern Roman Catholicism, the ecumenical movement and current developments. The range of various denominations and faith groups within Christianity will be explored.

THEO 5213

Wesleyan-Arminian Theology

The first half of this course addresses the background and development of Arminian theology. It would demonstrate that classical Arminian theology has a rightful place in the Evangelical church in relation to Reformed theology and sustains important differences from Calvinism. The second half of this course would address the theology of John Wesley, focusing on God as “holy love” as a central theme and giving particular attention to the doctrine of Christian Perfection.

PMIN 5463

Evangelism in a Post-Modern Era**

An emphasis is given to discovering how the entire church can be involved in ministries that produce a growing “disciplining” Christian community. New Testament principles and strategies of evangelism and discipleship will be studied, as well as their application through contemporary methodologies. Students will also be challenged to creatively develop evangelistic strategies applicable to their current church or ministry setting.

*This course may be substituted for BINT 5023 Introduction to Inductive Methodology.
**This course may be substituted for PMIN 5343 Wesleyan Polity and Practices or PMIN 5453 Church of God Distinctives.

Additional Course Requirements

PMIN 5033

Church’s Ministry to Families

The major focus of this course is to provide biblical programming that addresses the systems and needs of family life in the local church and community. Parental arrangements and family structures of contemporary society will be studied.

PMIN 5313


A study of the methodology in organizing material into proper sermonic form. Students will apply valid methods of textual analysis and outline construction. (Content includes Developing a Sermon Series; Steps in Sermon Preparation, Propositional Preaching, Outlining the Sermon, Developing the Theme of the Sermon; preparing for expository preaching, the process of expository preaching; and practice in sermon presentation) Guidance on preaching effectively to diverse groups of hearers in light of cultural challenges in a variety of congregational and community contexts is given.

PMIN 5323

Biblical Leadership, Coaching, and Ethics

Essential biblical principles bearing on the purpose and character of leadership will be analyzed within the biblical context and in terms of the contemporary understanding of leadership and coaching others in a diverse society. Strategies for establishing and maintaining moral and ethical integrity in one’s life and ministry will be explored.

PMIN 5323

Evangelism in a Post-Modern Era*

An emphasis is given to discovering how the entire church can be involved in ministries that produce a growing “disciplining” Christian community. New Testament principles and strategies of evangelism and discipleship will be studied, as well as their application through contemporary methodologies. Students will also be challenged to creatively develop evangelistic strategies applicable to their current church or ministry setting.

PMIN 5473

Leading Strategic Change

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverb 29:18). These words formulate the theme for this course. In a changing world, church leaders and churches are called to examine and re-examine the vision and mission of their organization. This course will provide key administrative principles in not only strategically planning for change but also understanding when and how to implement change.

THEO 5233

Ministry Integrative Practicum

**This course may be substituted for PMIN 5343 Wesleyan Polity and Practices or PMIN 5453 Church of God Distinctives.

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